Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Period of courage and self-believe

For all these while since I left Auspac, it had been a unknown factor for my future career path, though I took a high risk and work for my supplier, but after 2 years, the operation cease due to several reasons. After 4 years of working experiences, I came down to zero again. struggling to stand on my feet, after looking for jobs for 3 months, I finally got a temporary job for less than a month in a call centre. I guess this is just a reflection of my uncertainty of where I want to head to in my career. still in the mode of comtemplation. And also I'm learning to self-believe that I actually can do it..... to be continued.

1 comment:

]Kai said...

Hey Sharon,

Yes, believe in yourself, you are strong. Things will pick themselves up again, I am sure, sometimes it just takes a little bit longer. But have faith.

Stay cheerful and positive. Remember, there are people who pray for your success and your health, and so does your friend
